
In my grandfather’s more than 70 years of practice, there have been changes in his methods of making since the 1940s. In this video, he presents one of his past and present productions each. (The medicines in this video are fictitious.) I’ve been observing his work for a long time, and his practice is a kind of myth.
My grandfather’s work involves the body, movement, and fiction, and I believe the creative work I do today comes from him. He also worked many hours in many spaces with his customized drawers and tools. His space is a palace of memories for me, with the smell of medicinal herbs, bookshelves at different eye levels as I grew, and various machines.
By acknowledging the scale of time, I thought about how this practice is similar to a historically rooted practice. He uses muscle tools of intuition just like I use shortcuts and automation tools with my MacBook and software. There’s no hesitation in going for whatever the next thing might be because there’s so much intimate knowledge and understanding in the way he moves. He always put it on the scale and poured it in.
Making shows that he listened to his body, trusted his quality, and realized that whatever his hand was before would be the right amount. It is a connection between the space and how overwhelming any element could be, as well as the power within his body and the importance of listening to that. East historical, thinking about grandfather within a kind of legacy, has been around for a long time, has also been replaced by the archival nature and looking out into this dictionary are these potent references to catalog numbers.
In the film, I forced the viewer to make observations they wouldn’t have made otherwise. In some of the shots, I’ve created a perspective for the viewer aware of this contrast between what he’s doing and me filming it and putting it together in a certain way. It has a relationship between manufacturing and medicine versus this personal and intimate process.



Single-channel HD video, color, sound

8 minutes.